In this workshop replay, Whapio shares her deep insights into the art and science of using homeopathic medicine in the childbearing continuum. 

She deeply focuses in on the often neglected topic of postpartum healing, and on the little-understood realm of the postpartum psyche.


  • Whapio’s unique insights into homeopathy with a feminine touch, gathered over decades of working with women and homeopathy.

  • New insights into homeopathic remedies for birth and postpartum 

  • Special focus on the postpartum psyche - this is a difficult place to reach with most of the tools we have - but homeopathy is ideal for this application!



  •  Don't miss this opportunity to study with an elder and master in the field of birthwork


  • On Demand

  • The workshop is approx 2.5 hours

  • Tuition: $25

  • This workshop is designed for those that have some experience of homeopathy, however you're welcome even if you're a beginner

Brand new to homeopathy?

We recommend this book to get a primer on homeopathy before the session:

Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year, by Miranda Castro

Drawn to watch rather than read? 
Check out “Just One Drop” which you can rent and stream online - this will give you some background information on what homeopathy is, how it works and how remedies are made.


“When it comes to medicine and healing we could use more understanding of Homeopathy. And we could really use some teachers, consultants and practitioners who can bring the homeopathic perspective into our future.

It  seems that our medical system has lost its way.

High ranking decision-makers and officials probably also realize that the system has outlived its use…but don’t know what to do about it.


I have some thoughts!

Let’s gently and effectively insert other ways of caring for each other that we can turn to when the system becomes obsolete.

We don’t need to rebuild or resurrect something that has outlived its use.

When the trees lose their leaves each year we don’t claim that the tree is broken and get our ladders and glue them back on.

We appreciate their beauty, we let them go and we prepare for
the next year.


This Homeopathy workshop is about learning and sharing a way of healing and restoration that is attuned to the future we are moving into.


We can take care of each other!


 Homeopathy has been with us for many years…all the way back to the time when our system of Western medicine began. 

But what we have today in homeopathy is a crystalization of a very yang/masculine/overly-scientific approach to healing that now parallels the overly-scientific approach of modern medicine.

Homeopathy is in deep need of the hand of the feminine.

What I am teaching is the feminine approach to the energetics of homeopathy.

What if, in the near future, we no longer dispensed medicine in bottles of pills, no longer took a history as a long list of symptoms, no longer thought of people as a broken mirror that needed to be put back together.

What if we looked at life as an ever-expanding interconnected spiral and what if we could dispense remedies with just the tips of our fingers?

This is the touch of the feminine…and this will move us into the  fullness of what homeopathy and healing can be.

Homeopathy is the perfect place to begin the move toward
caring for each other. And rather than subtract our medical caregivers,
we will just add…and multiply


Understanding the principles of homeopathy and using the myriad of plants, animals and minerals that co-exist with us is a step in forward-thinking times.

I’m not talking about the yang way…I’m talking about the spiralic interconnected way. We are looking at the same physiology, the same biology, the same art and science of healing but projected from a more expansive perspective.

This will blow the barn doors off your mind!

Choice is the hallmark of evolution.

The fewer choices you have or exercise, the more you will stay in a closed circle, rooted to one spot, without ever knowing the potential available to you.

We are in a landmark time. 

The spiral is about to expand to a greater bandwidth.
This is what spirals do…and we’re in it now.

We can choose to stay safe with what we know or embrace what is new.
Let’s risk it.

And, actually many things are not new at all. They have been here with us, just waiting for the right season to bloom. Clearly, homeopathy is not new. It was an essential part of the complete system of medicine that Western Medicine belongs to. It will be part of the new Renaissance…
Let’s welcome it.”


Whapio has been an Independent Midwife for over 40 years, attending women and families in birth and educating women in the Arts of Midwifery and Healing.  She also teaches Homeopathy and is affiliated with HANA (Hahnemann Academy of North America).  She has studied homeopathy and Qigong with Robin Murphy, ND for over 20 years.  She has also studied healing at The Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Beijing Massage Hospital in China.  Whapio is a Community Mediator and counselor for family concerns.  She speaks and writes frequently about Quantum Midwifery and Returning Birth to the Family.

The Matrona Programs created by Whapio – Quantum Midwifery Program, Holistic Doula Program, all of her other teaching programs serve to share and expand this knowledge of life and consciousness.

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